26 November 2016

Glossary Starter Unit and Unit 1


Switch on: when you turn on an electronic divice by clicking the power switch.

Presing: when you push a button on a device you are "pressing" the button.

Browse: looking for somthing or at something online.

Stream: when you are watching a live event transmited online you are "streaming" it.

Updates: when you improve the version of a program on your mobile device.

Tap: Gently touching youphone screen with you finge to realize an action.

Scroll: When you go up and down on an online page you are "scrolling the page"

Swipe: Moving your finger side to side of the phone screen to operate you device.

Text: When you send a message from you phone to your friends phone you are "texting" him.

Charge: When you connect your phone to the carguer so the battery refills

Plug in: When you connect your phone to your charger you are "plugging it in"

Ethical ways:Doing something the rigth way, without hurting anyone feellings or integrity.

Enforce(reforzar): Do something stronger.


Issues: Problems or troubles.

It takes ages: Something that takes a long time to happen.

Cruel to be kind: Someone that is a bit mean just to tell you the truth to help you.

Sympathetic: Someone who is solidary and also helpfull with your problems.

Loyal: Someone that is true to you.

Feel confident: It´s when you are confident with a person, usally a friend.

Honest: Someone who always tells the truth(even if it is a bad thing)

Dependable: Someone you can relly on.

Trustworthy: Someone you can truth with everything.

Untrustworthy: Someone who you can´t trust.

Annoying: Someone irritating, or who always bother.

Toxic person: A person who is mean and is a bad influence for you.

Eager: Excited to do/learn/eat/ something.

Outgoing: Someone who is an extrovert.

Bitter: Someone who does not care for anything or is always pessimistic.

Text message abreviations

ASAP: As Soon As Possible

FYI: For Your Information

BFN or B4N: Bye For Now

BRB: Be Rigth Back

GTG: Got To Go

IDC: I Don´t Care

IDK: I Don´t Know

ILY: I Love You

JK: Just Kidding

LOL: Lots Of Laughs or Laughing Out Loud

LMAO: Laughing My A#& Off

TBH: To Be Honest

TY: Thank You

WTF: What The F#@k

XOXO: Kisses and hughs

Y: Why?

YOLO: You Only Live Once

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